Mar 2024 - Honesty, openness and vulnerability

Being coached myself I was reminded how honesty, openness, and vulnerability are essential elements of a successful coaching trajectory.

Being vulnerable may feel uncomfortable at first, but it is a crucial step towards achieving success. It allows for deeper self-exploration and facilitates meaningful progress towards your goals. In the coaching environment, there is no need to maintain a facade.

By being honest and sharing your perspective, you allow your coach to better understand your goals and capabilities, leading to more targeted and effective coaching outcomes.

Feeling connected to your coach is crucial for establishing a safe and supportive space where you can openly discuss your aspirations and concerns. Trusting your coach enables you to share your vulnerabilities and uncertainties, knowing that they will be met with understanding and empathy. Confidentiality is essential in maintaining this trust, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected within the coaching relationship.

Want to know how coaching can help you or someone at your workplace? Let’s connect during a free exploratory call

Some feedback:

“Sara creates an amazingly comfortable, non-judgmental environment where I could share my thoughts freely. As a result, I was able to properly process my personal and professional challenges with Sara acting as an objective sounding board, leading me to pathways I had not explored yet." A, Director Communications & Media, UK

As from the first moment, Sara made me feel completely at ease, which made me feel very comfortable to be open on difficult topics.” E, Director Market Access, Belgium

Feb 2024 - Insightful 360-Degree Analysis Through Life Interviews

As part of a coaching trajectory, it can be valuable to gather feedback from people around you. Understanding how we're perceived by others is paramount for personal and professional growth. A 360° feedback creates a confidential and comprehensive way to provide important information and different perspectives to identify your strengths as well as opportunities for development. It provides invaluable insights to guide individuals along their path of self-improvement.

Key Features:

  • Conducted via efficient 30-minute videocall interviews, ensuring minimal disruption to your colleagues busy schedules.
  • Engage with 6-8 stakeholders delving into nuanced aspects of your professional persona through focused questioning.
  • Uncover strengths, development opportunities, and actionable advice 
  • Gain deeper understanding of your impact, both positive and areas for growth,
  • Receive a comprehensive report highlighting key insights, paving the way for strategic development planning.

Target Audience:

  • Executives seeking to refine their leadership skills.
  • Professionals aiming to enhance their interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Teams looking to foster a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Individuals committed to unlocking their full potential.

Following the analysis, embark on a journey of growth with personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs. Trough 1-1 coaching we’ll dive deeper into identified areas for development, craft a robust development plan, implement strategies for change, and navigate challenges with confidence. Together, we'll foster professional growth and cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Let’s connect

Jan 2024 - Ik coach Executive Leaders

"Over R"

R werd onlangs gepromoveerd tot General Manager België in een globaal bedrijf. Deze promotie kwam met duidelijke verwachtingen van het executive team en bracht tegelijkertijd de uitdaging om samen met zijn team een nieuw pad uit te stippelen.

R kwam naar onze coaching sessies met een positieve houding en met de wens om te blijven ontwikkelen. Hij gebruikte coaching
🔹Om kritisch en objectief naar zichzelf en situaties te kijken, wat hem helpt om twijfels weg te nemen.
🔹Om te identificeren waar hij tegenaan loopt en wat hij zelf kan doen om hiermee om te gaan. De focus ligt hierbij op hemzelf, niet op anderen.
🔹Om te blijven leren, zowel van anderen als van verschillende situaties. Wat moet blijven? Wat moet meer? Wat moet stoppen? Wat kan anders? Hij experimenteert, meestal met succes, soms niet, en leert daarvan.

Enkele reflecties van R over zijn coaching traject:
“Sara heeft me uitstekend begeleid om zowel voor mezelf als voor mijn team de benodigde inzichten te verkrijgen. Dankzij haar heldere communicatie, empathisch vermogen en begeleiding heb ik duidelijke doelen kunnen stellen voor mijn persoonlijke groei. Het heeft mij geholpen om te bepalen wat belangrijk is voor mijn ontwikkeling in mijn huidige rol. Ik heb de coaching van Sara als zeer positief ervaren. Ik kan het ten zeerste aanraden aan iedereen die zich verder wil ontwikkelen.”

Wil je weten hoe coaching jou of iemand op je werk kan helpen? Neem contact op voor een vrijblijvende kennismaking

Dec 2023 - I Coach (also) on personal matters

As part of acquiring my PCC Credential (Professional Certified Coach) through the International Coaching Federation ICF, I am actively engaged in a group mentoring coaching program. In this dynamic setting, coaches coach each other, while other coaches and a mentor observe and provide valuable feedback.

This experience has proven to be both intriguing and enlightening. I find myself continually challenged, learning, and evolving into a more adept coach. While my focus lies in professional and leadership coaching – a true passion of mine – I've been pleasantly surprised by my enjoyment of coaching on more personal matters during the process. This newfound dimension has been really fulfilling.

While I will maintain my primary emphasis on professional and leadership coaching, I have decided to extend my services to private clients through online coaching across the globe. If you're interested or have any questions, I invite you to connect with me

Dec 2023 - I Coach Executive Leaders

... executive leaders who aspire to maintain focus amidst the challenges of a complex work environment and who are eager to reflect on what they can do better, what they should do more off, what they should stop.

"Meet P"

P is a key member of the executive leadership team, overseeing a department that has experienced significant growth in recent years. With over a decade of dedication to the company, P played a pivotal role in its global expansion.

In the early stages of his career, P was hands-on and enthusiastically involved, personally managing every aspect. Despite his continued interest, the sheer volume of tasks became overwhelming, leading to stress and a sense of losing control. These challenges fuelled concerns about meeting the CEO's expectations and maintaining positive relationships with team members. Recognizing the need for change, P sought coaching to navigate this complexity.

Coaching heightened P's self-awareness and provided him with more clarity.
- While P has a team of skilled leaders, he identified the necessity for additional support, strategically reshuffling personnel not only to benefit the team but also to foster individual development.
- Acknowledging the importance of relinquishing control, P learned to trust and empower his team leaders, realizing that success lies in delegation and accountability.
- His shift in mindset allowed for more effective preparation and engagement in one-on-one sessions with team leaders, resulting in streamlined decision-making processes and improved follow-through.

P's increased awareness that he doesn't need to micromanage every task has been transformative. Recognizing the capabilities of his team and trusting in their competence has not only alleviated his workload but has also fostered an environment where individuals can thrive.

What works for P doesn’t necessarily work for you. Want to know how coaching can help you or someone at your workplace? Let’s connect!

Nov 2023 - I Coach Experienced Professionals

... experienced professionals that feel stuck or go through failure after years of success.

“Meet E”
E works in the same company for 10 years now, led different teams with success and since 2 years overseeing a challenging part of the business. E felt restless though, a little bored and not very motivated. When digging deeper E realized that people around her started to notice. She got into fruitless discussions with peers and higher management and started to make mistakes. E wanted to explore her professional future and most importantly: get her sharpness back!

As part of the coaching trajectory, E did an exercise identifying her drivers and core values. She asked herself how much she was still acting in alignment with these in her current role.
She concluded that she actually is in the right job at this stage in her life and that she mostly gets what she wants from it, that she achieved more than she realized and that she is proud of that as well. For her drivers she felt less aligned to, she started to ask herself what she could do about it; what she could control or influence, which actions she could take to improve.

The fact that E did this exercise in an objective and critical way, challenged by her coach, resulted in being able to let go of the many questions about her job and gave her peace of mind and contentment, and foremost a renewed motivation to continue her journey in the company.

What works for E doesn’t necessarily work for you. Want to know how coaching can help you or others at your workplace? Let’s connect!

Some reflections of E on our coaching:
"I could talk about anything with Sara, without being judged. It helped that she was independent, standing a bit further away. Coaching helped me getting clarity around my ambitions, my skills and what I want to do with them. I also realized that I need to take more initiatives and actions myself in order to find the right challenges and motivation, which is happening already!"

Okt 2023 - I Coach Young Professionals

... young professionals ready to make the next step in their career, expanding responsibilities. Or, they just made that next step and find the new challenges that come with that, more difficult to deal with than expected.

"Meet M"
A few months ago, M became team leader of the team she has been part of for more than 6 years.From being “one of the guys”, M wanted to step up and grow in owning her function as team leader.

Some insights from M’s coaching trajectory that helped her growing:
- It is ok not to be democratic all the time. It is not always necessary or helpful to ask everyone’s opinion in the team. It is as important to identify what you want, why you want it and how it will benefit you and others around you.
- Being positive and empathic is who M is. She can use that quality by identifying what motivates her team members and get them on board. A potential pitfall for M is that by wanting to be encouraging all the time – her message can get lost.
- M wants to do well and she learned that there is a thin line between leading and controlling.It helps M to ask herself some questions: When is it ok to let go? When do I take over? When do I give responsibility?

What works for M and her team doesn’t necessarily work for you. Want to know how coaching can help you or someone at your workplace? Let’s connect!

Some reflections of M on our coaching:
"As from our first talk I felt at ease with Sara. Coaching gave me certain insights and made me come up with things I wanted to practice. The more I tried, the more confidence I got and the more I felt I made progression. There is still room for improvement: Practice makes perfect!"